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Does Lord Rama Exists? Is Lord Rama a Historical Person or a Myth?

Does Hindu God Ram Exists?

Hello and welcome back viewers to the new article, exploring the historicity of a so-called historical person, checking whether they really exists, or just a mythical character created by our ancestors. And as I promised, today we are going to look about another claimed historical person, popularly known as lord Ram. We will again use 3 different methods to check his existence. And for those, who doubts whether Jesus Exists or not, please do look in the description box for proof from some Non-Christian Historians wrote about Jesus and proved that Jesus was as Historical as Abraham Lincoln. This is an sensitive topic in India even today. And before going further, I want to make sure I am aware of and duly respects the deep religious import bestowed upon these texts by the Hindu community across the globe, it is also submitted that the study of human and religious history, which is the primary object of the this channel, like other sciences and fields of study, must be carried out in a scientific manner using available technological aids, and its findings must be based on tangible material evidence. So, before making any cheap comments, Kindly deal with your people because all the evidence I’m going to show here, was not made by me or any Christian missionary. All these evidence are from Hindu people, Hindu Scientist and Hindu Scripture. If you have any problem with evidence, then please go, deal with them. So, lets begin the topic. 

1. Birth Place

One of the proof people use to prove the existence of Ram was Ayodhya. People says, ayodhya exists, that’s why Rama Exists. Its always funny to look these type of logic around internet. These people are not technically intelligent or intellectual, do not know how to present a fact. If you use this lousy logic then you are also saying harry potter exists because London exists. 

Second, lets look some Archeological Evidence we have. First lets look about Ayodhya. Do you know, what is the earliest carbon date of this city? Its 1700 BC, not more than that. And this data's are provided by ASI department of India. According to ASI, before 1700 BC, human settlements were not found in ayodhya. 

So how could ram or any other mythical character of Hinduism lived there? 

ASI found some sculpture which date only 1500 BC. But there is no evidence that the city is older than 1700 BC. But according to hindu scriptures, Rama lived in traeta yuga, and The period of Ramayana is considered and some people believed to happened more than 17,00,000 years ago. But, the earliest age of Human settlement in ayodhya is only 1700 BC. How could this be possible? Something is fishy in this. Scientific Evidence doesn’t match with the Hindu Scripture at all. That’s why In 1862 ASI started research at Ayodhya. They research some temples built in the city. They date those temple as first century AD and were built by King Vikramāditya of Ujjain

In 1960 to 1970, ASI again did research on this cite. The research was led by Awadh Kishore Narain of Banaras Hindu University led an excavation in Ayodhya during 1969-70. He dated establishment of Ayodhya to early 17th century BCE, and also observed that there was evidence of strong Buddhist presence in the area. 

Again research done in 1992, led by Directors of ASI, Dr. Y.D. Sharma and Dr. K.M. Srivastava. The team found that the objects were datable to the period ranging from the 10th through the 12th century AD, i.e., the period of the late Pratiharasand early Gahadvals. 

In 2003, when this cite was became popular as you know babri masjid issue. Then ASI again research this place. The findings suggest that a Northern Black Polished Ware, date between 1000 BC and 300 BC. They also found Typical terracotta mother goddess, human and animal figurines, and others, dates only 200 BC

And they also found some Inscriptions. Known as Vishnu Hari Inscription. The inscription mentioned that the temple was dedicated to "Vishnu, slayer of Bali and of the ten-headed one" [Rama is an incarnation of Vishnu who is said to have defeated Bali and Ravana] . It was examined by world class epigraphists and Sanskrit scholars, Prof. Ajay Mitra Shastri was among them. 

They also found some pillars, dates only 11th century AD. They also found some animal bones on that area. 

So we have looked many research done by ASI of India, and the earliest dates they give for Ayodya was 1700 BC. If you want to reject the research, then go ahead because ASI is scientific division of Indian government run by Educated hindu scientist who care for people’s faith and sentiment towards their religion like we do, but, they also concerned with Facts and evidence. Unless your stature is that high as those scientists you are not worthy enough to deny them.

2. Now, lets look about the Bridge

People claims that the bridge like structure between India and Sri lanka is Ram Setu. But according to Valmiki Ramayana, the bridge name was not Ram Setu. It's original name is Nal Setu. Because it was built by Nal and Neel.  Now lets look what Scientists say about this bridge. According to Valmiki Ramayana, rama and his vanara sena built this bridge to cross the sea to rescue Ram's wife Sita. And many people use this to say this is the proof of the existence of rama. However in 2007 a study conducted by Marine and Water Resources Group, Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad, said, this bridge, ram setu was no man made. It was built by nature. And this answer is accepted by Government of India and ASI. And in 2007, I think government of Tamil nadu try to build a bridge the project is known as Sethusamudram Project, which will connect Rameswaram of Tamil Nadu to Sri Lanka in order to save navigation time for the ships. But supreme court hold this judgement and said Ram Sethu/Adam's bridge is a protected site and ancient monument and it should not be demolished while constructing Sethusamudram.  And if you watch news, recently in December 2017 this case was reopened in supreme court. So according to ASI, this nature produced bridge was not more than 1500 to 1700 BC. If ram lived before 1700000 years ago believed by some people, then how could his built bridge age was not more than 2000 BC? Here is an article published back in 2007, affidavit filled by ASI, and they said there is no evidence of Ram, which they can link with that bridge. So, this is ASI, not a missionary group.

3. Lets look what Valmiki Ramayana says. Lets look what scripture says about Rama

Many people says, that all the hindu epics are historical. This means they are claiming, all hindu scriptures and epics, are history, not mythology. If your epics are history, then we should take all the claims makes in these story as history. We cannot accept one, and reject other. That’s why, lets look some epics, I mean, historical event mentioned in hindu scriptures. One of the famous and widely followed epic is known as, Ramayana. There are others, but we are looking about Rama, so lets look at Ramayana and see, whether it is history or myth, and see, whether rama exists or not. Mahabharata, Shanti Parva 231.12-32- says age of earth is millions billions years ago. Same as in srimad-bhagavatam 3.11.18-24, and in these books too. That Rama lived in treat yuga. If we accept Krishna lived in 1500 BC as Scientist’s says. Then rama lived 864000 years ago. But Ram setu, Ayodhya dates only under 4000 years ago. We can accept a difference of 100 or 200 years. But, this is a difference of several thousands of years. And academically, this cannot be acceptable.

Vishnu purana Book 1 chapter 3 and srimad bhagavatam 3.11.19 along with bhagvad gita 8.17, the vayu purana chapter 57 and bhavisya purana(brahma parva 2.86-107) says

Krita yuga- 4000 divine years, sandhya -400 divine years, sandhyansa= 400 divine years, Total- 4800 divine years x 360 Days= 1728000 human years BC;

Treta yuga- ram lived- 3000 divine years, Sandhya- 300 divine years, Sandhyansa= 300 divine years. Total = 3600 divine years x 360 days= 129600 human years BC.

Dvapara yuga- khrishna lived -2000 Divine years, Sandhya= 200 divine years, Sandhyansa= 200 divine years, Total= 2400 divine years x 360 days= 864000 human years BC.

 Kali yuga- 1000 divine years, Sandhya= 100 divine years, Sandhyansa= 100 divine years. Total= 1200 divine years x 360 days= 432000 human years BC

4. In Valmiki Ramayana Yuddha Khanda Sarga 102 Full 

दशग्रीवो रथस्थस्तु रामन् वज्रोपमैः शरैः || ६-१०२-३
आजघान महाघोरैर्धाराभिरिव तोयदः |

It says, Rama and Ravana came though Chariots in the battle.

Here is the question. According to Hindu scripture, rama lived 864000 years ago, right? Can you show us one evidence or say Chariots exists before 3000 or 3500 BC? If you say that Hindu epics are history then you have to show us historical proof. The reason I’m making these videos are, to show people the real academic bias towards Christianity.  Because people accuse Christians that you people are bias, you don’t care peoples feeling, you want to divide people, you do not love others, that’s why you make these type of videos. Here is the answer. This is 2018, and still Christianity is the most persecuted religion and Christians are the most persecuted community in the world. People not only atheist but every religious people accuse us that Christianity is not scientific, the characters mentioned in the Bible are myths. But, we always answer them by giving them proof, whether it is archeologically, scientifically or historically. As you have remember I made a video which proved the existence of Moses in the Sinia stone where the direct name of Moses is written and the date of that rock was 1800 BC. and still people accuses us. This is called academic bias towards Christianity. We do not say, because Bible say Jesus exists that’s why I believe and you should believe that too. No, we are giving you proof outside the Bible which match with all evidence. Its on to you people. we showed you this is bird, this is sun, this is grass with evidence and scripture. If you believe this is rock, this is rock and this is also rock. only because your scripture says, then good luck.

In conclusion. After checking with evidence, I do not find the existence of Rama outside Hindu scriptures who lived 864000 years. Because all the evidence shows that, if any person name Rama who exists, should've lived after 1700 BC, not before that.  And as swami Vivekananda said, ancient people attached super human attributes to kings and others to make them God. Which we have seen in our earlier video, where Vishnu was created being and after drinking soma, he became immortal. All the links and source I shown in this video, you will find it in the description box, please go check it out. and please, it’s a request from Christians all over the world, please do not persecute Us because we say truth. As bible says, in Galatian, Am I became your enemy by saying the truth. 

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