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WHY DOESN'T GOD SHOW HIMSELF??? ~ (Then everyone would believe and go to Heaven!)

WHY DOESN'T GOD SHOW HIMSELF???(Then everyone would believe and go to Heaven!)

If god really wants to save everyone. why doesn't he just show himself. then everyone would believe and then everyone would go to heaven. wait that makes sense. hey guys how's it going. welcome to The Verdant Christian where you will get a fresh perspective on faith, life, god and the bible.

Today's topic really really good question. if god really loves everyone and if god doesn't want everyone to go to hell, but he wants everyone to go to heaven, isn't it just easy for him to come show himself and say, hi I'm real, then everyone says oh i believe and then what happens everyone goes to heaven. that kind of makes sense doesn't it? why don't you just show yourself and let everyone believe, because they know you're real. they don't have to like struggle over. i can't believe what i don't see. i can't believe what i don't hear. like why would you have to go through all that just show yourself. aside from scriptural reasons like god is so glorious and magnificent that if you saw his face you would die. and also he spirit, and we're body so we can't see ghosts and spirits anyways. take those out why wouldn't god just show himself? what would be the reasoning behind this? so god could show himself to everyone without everyone dying because he's almighty and all-powerful and he could just make it that way but why doesn't he do it so in order for us to go deeper into this thought and really think about why god doesn't just show himself let's ask herself one question is, what does god really want. is it just believing in him, is that all he wants just to believe or is there something more something deeper that he wants more than just belief. if god just wanted us to believe in him then all he'd have to do is show himself and then it'd be done and we'd all go to heaven. but the fact that he doesn't show himself shows that there is a reason right there is a reason something bigger and something deeper that he wants from us. and I'm going to show you two verses two scriptures in the bible that are gonna show us what is the thing that god wants more than anything else. it's not just believing, believing is just the beginning point. so let's take a look at these two verses. the first verse is Matthew 22 37-39 and basically Jesus sums up the two greatest

(02:56) rules in the entire bible it's bigger than all of the other rules and what is it. number one is to love god with all your heart soul mind and strength, and number two is to love each other. what's the key point? Jesus says it's all about love, loving god and loving each other. and then you turn to the second verse which is first Corinthians chapter 13 which is the chapter of love. if you look at verses one through three it's amazing because it says, anything that you do that does not have love is meaningless, it is worthless. what is the thing that matters to god more than anything else in this world it is not the belief, it's actually love love is the core issue, love is the key thing that god wants more than anything else. what is belief? belief is the starting point. it's the same thing when it comes to you and someone else, oh there's a girl i really like oh i i really hope to marry this girl i start off with some type of belief that it can work it can happen and when i talk to this girl when i get to know this person, what happens, eventually that belief becomes more and more real and it gets to a point where it actually happens or it doesn't why it depends on do we fall in love or not. even love itself starts with belief. and in the same way think about this guys, if the number one thing was just belief then it makes no problem just show yourself. but if the number one reason is love before anything else then god would not show himself.

so let me give you a story to prove this point. so let's say there's a man but not just any ordinary man we're talking the richest and most powerful man in the whole world. and one day he realizes to himself he's been spending his life just amassing riches and power. but he has no one to share it. with and he realized, you know what it's time for me to get married. so he goes to sleep that night but in the morning he wakes up to this commotion here outside and he's like what is going on. he opens the curtains and what does he see line up of woman all the way down the street as far as the eye can see and he's like what is going on. he goes to his butler and says hey what is going on outside. and the butler says well the rumor about you wanting to get married, you know people heard about it and now they're all lining up because they all want to marry. now here's the thing guys when you get married why do you get married for what reason do you want to get married to someone who says oh i married you because of your money and you'd be like uh maybe I'm not going to marry this person. so imagine this rich man saddened by what he sees he's like none of these people know who i am. so what's the only reason they want to marry me it's obvious it's for his power and riches. so what does he do he says butler i want you to dress like me and i want you to set this table and i want you to meet all these girls okay that's all i want you to do all day and he's like okay what are you gonna do, you know what if i don't want people to marry me because of my riches and my power, then I'm gonna hide it, so he puts on regular clothes buys a regular car and gets this really you know like an okay apartment down in the city and he's renting it okay. and he goes there and he starts to live amongst the people disguised as a regular person. Why? because he doesn't want people to marry him for the wrong reason. so as he goes down there for months and months it turns to years, trying to find that person who will love him for who he is. and eventually he finds that one girl. and he's like i think this one could be in, so here's the final test. he goes to the girl one night and says honey you know i love you so much but you know I'm so saddened because, i don't have much money, i don't have much to give you. and then she says you never had money from the beginning, if it was about money i would never have gone out with you, I'm going out with you because i love you, and only you. and there the man's like she's the one, and then eventually what does a man do the moment he finds out that she's there for him and not for the money, he will show her who he truly is.

Now what does this have to do with god well you got to think about this if it's just about believing that it's done but if it's about love who is god? he is the most powerful he owns everything he can give you whatever you want all these things can just be yours, why? because it's god. what does god want what's the number one thing he wants more than anything else it is love. but if he just shows himself why would people believe they believe. because they see him they believe because god can give them, something, oh they believe because he's powerful. all the reasons for believing in god would be wrong. the only thing god wants is love. it is the number one thing that matters to him. and when we not seeing and not hearing and most of the time not even feeling, can turn and realize wow, you know what god loves me so much i love god, i don't even see him but i love him, then what happens at the end god will show us the entire kingdom, and he'll allow us to live together with him.

So, why doesn't god show us himself and just let everyone go to heaven? because the reason is not about believing, it's about love. and once we understand this point we begin to understand ah that's why he doesn't show himself. all right guys i hope that answers your question about this and i hope it's something that will kind of change and kind of move your mind and make you think a little bit deeper about who god is. Yes it is the end hope you guys had a good time. Share and Support us, Good Bye

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