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Vision & Values

  1) Apologetics as Evangelism:

(a) Evangelism through reasoning, discussions, debates, open forums and dialogs in public places, religious institutions, academic settings, houses and at all the open avenues be it a palace or a prison through various media. (Acts 9:22, 9:29, Acts 17:2, 18:4, 18:19, 18:24, 18:28, 19: 8-10, 28:30).

(b) Evangelism by addressing the intellectual needs/issues of a society/community so that strongholds, arguments, and every lofty thoughts might be removed to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to its recipients (2 Corinthians 10:5).

2) Training Christians to Do Apologetics as Evangelism in Their Own Local Context Using Locally Relevant Means (Ephesians 4:12):

• Training so that they might be prepared to give a ready defense for everyone who asks a reason for the hope that they have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15).

• Encouraging Christians to do intensive research so that they might be fair-minded and think about whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy (Acts 17:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, Philippians 4:8).

•Train Christians in the practice of Spiritual Disciplines so that they may able to see the spiritual battle behind the intellectual reasoning.

3) Networking and Partnering

(a) To partner with other Christians, Churches and Christian organizations both in conducting evangelistic and training programs.

(b) To provide expertise and experience of The Verdant Christian to build local apologetics groups who may prefer to be known by the Sakshi name or any other name and network with them in organizing both evangelistic and training programs.

(c) To work people of all persuasions in so far as it furthers the vision and mission of TVC without compromising the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

(d) To serve as a reliable resource base for all those interested through our nation-wide research team.

Core Values:

• God’s Glory: Seeking the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness First in All the Plan That TVC Prepares.

• Biblical Authority: Primacy of the Holy Bible and Uncompromising Commitment to its Authority in All the Decisions that TVC Takes.

• Integrity: Working with Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in All the Day to Day Activities.

• Interdependence: Partnering and Networking with Fellow-Believers in Executing its Vision/Plans.

• Love:  Commitment to the other’s well being as evidence in the example of Christ and as commanded by the Scriptures


TVC is a self-financed network and does not have appointed anyone to collect donations or funds for its ministry. However, for the trainings, seminars, and public events, we depend upon voluntary contributions given by well-wishers and supporters to the local event committee. 

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