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Christianity is an Abrahamic Mono-theistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as presented in the New Testament. Christianity is the world’s largest religion with about 2.4 billion adherents. Christians believe that, Jesus is the son of god fully divine and fully human and the savior of humanity who’s coming this Christ or the Messiah was prophesied in the Old Testament. Christianity is a mono-theistic religion which means. Followers believe in one god. Christians believe. God is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

God’s Nature- All Powerful or Omnipotent; All Knowing or Omni-scient; All Presence or Omni-present; All Good or Omni-benevolent.

According to the Bible. Gods other attributes include HOLINESS, Righteousness, Immutability that is Unchanging, Merciful, Graceful and Eternal. Additionally Christians believe that god is comprised of 3 persons; God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit. This doctrine is called the Trinity this doctrine was articulated and affirm at the council of Nicaea in 325 AD. Which was a teaching that argued that Jesus Christ wasn’t actually God. The doctrine of the Trinity wasn’t created at this church council it was defended at it. More specifically the council agreed that the son is of the same substance as the father, meaning he is eternal. And therefore any differences that exists between them occurred within the divine unity.

The contradiction in Christianity is. His teaching. As Jesus said unto him “I am the way the truth and the life. No man cometh unto the father but by me”. Many asks questions why only Jesus. There is a lot more way to reach to God the Supreme Being.

Here are Some Articles where you can know more about Christianity

1. Why Jesus Said "My Father is Greater than I" John 14: 28

2. Top Reason Why We can Trust Bible Archeological & Historical Data

3. Top 10 Reasons Why Jesus Is God

4. 5 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Earth

5. Historical Evidence of Jesus Outside The Bible- Top 10

6. Christian Missionaries का योगदान India के लिए

7. This 1500-Year-Old Bible States That Jesus Was Not Crucified

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