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In Islamic theology God, Allah is the All-Powerful and All-Knowing creator Sustainer, Ordainer and Judge of everything in existence. Islam emphasizes that god is strictly singular talk and inherently one had told merciful and omnipotent. According to Islamic teachings god exists without place and according to the Quran. No vision can grasp him but his grasp his overall vision he is above full comprehension yet is acquainted with all things. God as referenced in the Quran is the only God.

The contradiction in Islam teaching like Muhammad did not pass first test for a prophet-Deuteronomy tells us that god will authenticate those he sends as a prophet by having them perform signs. Mohammed gave no sign as required by God.

Muhammad’s teaching does not pass the second test god gave for a prophet-Deuteronomy tells us that no prophet will bring a revelation that is in conflict with previous revelation. His revelation must agree with the previous revelation of God

Third contradiction in Islam is because it denies the crucifixion of Jesus.
However historically it is proved by many authors and scholars. At that time who saw Jesus is crucifixion and wrote about it.

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