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Polytheism, the concept of god varies from one section to another. Hinduism by its nature as a regional rather than a doctrinal religious category is not exclusively monotheistic. And has been described. As spanning a wide range of Eno-theism, polytheism, Panentheism, pantheism and monism etc. In Hinduism Brahman is the one supreme universal spirit that is the origin and support of the phenomenal universe. Brahman is sometimes referred to as the absolute or God Head. Brahman is conceived as personal with qualities and personal without qualities and all supreme depending on the philosophical school.

Upanishad says; all that supreme Brahman is infinite and this condition Brahman is infinite. The infinite proceeds from infinite. If you’ve subtract the infinite from the infinite the infinite remains alone. The sages of the Upanishads teach that, Brahman is the ultimate essence of this of material phenomena including the original identity of the human cells that cannot be seen or heard but whose nature. Can be known through the development of self-knowledge. According to the Advaita, a liberated human being has realized Brahman as her own true self.

First major contradiction of Hinduism is it teaches every path leads to the same God. The problem here is that is good and there is evil path. Both path can’t lead you to God. This teaching only creates confusion like we see in our society. People are seeking going here and there finding the true path of God. Everything is created by god, means we are all a part of that god. If we say god is an energy, then we all not just a part of that energy. We have to unlock that hidden truths to accomplish our true power. It means we are also a god, only after unlocking the hidden power of ours. Then we too can achieve divinity and become a god.

So by knowing all the perspective of god in major religion you may get many questions in your mind. Feel free to question and answer in the comment section to reveal the truth of God.

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