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Does Krishna Really Exist? Reality of Dwarka and Krishna's Existence on Earth

Historical, Archeological and Language Evidence of Krishna

In this article i will question about one person whom everybody know as lord krishna the supreme god of bhagavad gita. let's question whether he was a real historical person or just a mythical identity whom later people labeled as god let's look some evidences but before going to the video we are not here to hurt any religious sentiment we are using the same standard as you did with christianity.

One of the first evidence that hindu show about the existence of krishna is the submerged city Dwarka. you will find many videos in youtube that the lost city of dwarka was found under the sea in gujarat by scientists. Those who don't know what dwarka is. Dwarka is the city where krishna lived as a king and soon after his death this city was submerged under the sea and kali yuga was started. As hindu claims so hindu say that dwarka exist that's why krishna exists. yeah you will see lot of comments over our comment section where they use this logic. So according to their logic london exists so harry potter dumbledore voldemort and hogwarts exist am i right? this is the same argument hindu used all the time very foolish argument so according to this argument, we have concluded that krishna didn't exist very lame and childish argument these people always give.  you have to say this every evidence we found in the submerged city dwarka matches with our hindu scripture but by using kids logic they are proving time to time that they don't care what evidence say now everybody knows about narendra nath dutta who is popularly known as swami vivekananda according to history swami vivekananda was an indian hindu monk a chief disciple of the 19th century indian mystic ramakrishna he was a key figure in the introduction of the indian philosophies of vedanta and yoga to the western world and is credited with raising interfaith awareness bringing hinduism to the status of a major world religion during the late 19th century during his days he shared some thought about krishna which we can still read in his book the complete work of swami vivekananda volume 4 lectures and discourses thoughts on gita here vivekananda says so many interesting things like fantastic creations of the brain as sweet ocean milk ocean clarified butter ocean curd ocean etc this we can also see in the varah avatar and viva kananda further says in the puranas we find one living ten thousand years another a hundred thousand years but the vedas say man lives a hundred years whom shall we follow here if we compare vedas and puranas its contradict each other he further says so to reach a correct conclusion in the case of krishna is well now impossible it is human nature to build round the real character of a great man all sorts of imaginary superhuman attributes as regards krishna the same must have happened but it seems quite probable that he was a king if i briefly explain this thoughts of swami vivekananda, he says in ancient time kings often instruct their poets or authors to represent them as powerful man or sometimes god and even today we can see this culture in current india so those who wrote the hindu scriptures attached god's attribute to a powerful king krishna and if you people say that krishna exists as a king according to swami vivekananda then i don't have any issue accepting this but according to some hindu and some hindu scriptures that krishna is god and a historical person then i have a list you on accepting this by watching this video until now many will get aggressive because that's the teaching of their religion and their gods they will say how dare you to question on existence of krishna millions of people believe in him as the supreme god and the evidence that krishna lived in india because scientists have found the lost citied walker my reply to them is we have already answered this accusation in the beginning of this video we are using the same standard as you hindu did with our god then why showing anger and why being hypocrite keep patience and watch the evidences.

When exploration done in 1983 to 1990 have revealed submerged city dwarka in gujarat scientific marine archaeological investigations conducted by the marine archaeological unit of the national institute of oceanography and the government of gujarat draw the final inference that was really a city that was submerged underwater in dwarka only around 1500 to 1700 bc they draw this conclusion because of architectural evidence and antiquities such as seals and inscriptions so what is the date we got from indian scientists about dwarka it was only 1500 to 1700 bc if we believe this is where krishna lived then krishna lived only 3500 years ago which is completely contradicts to hindu scriptures and hindus which we will see later in the video here is another website where i found about the date of krishna's existence according to this website krishna lived around 3137 bc 5000 years ago which is completely contradicts to what scientists discovered and this website also claimed that krishna was not a mythical character he was a historical person so we cannot take hindu scriptures and their claim is myth am i right this is a 19th century historian named hem chandra he gives three date of krishna's existence he interpret some hindu scriptures and come into conclusion that krishna might have lived in one of these three dates today many hindu accept this one 3102 bc as the date of krishna's existence because it sounds ancient and also matches a little bit with that hindu website again hindu says that all the hindu epics are historical this means they are claiming all hindu scriptures and epics are history not mythology if your epics are history then we should take all the claims makes in these story as history we cannot accept one and reject other that's why let's look one epic i mean historical event mentioned in hindu scriptures one of the famous and widely followed epic is known as mahabharata there are others but we are looking about krishna so let's look at mahabharata and see whether it is history or myth and see whether krishna exists or not according to mahabharata shanti parva it says mahabharata happened at the end of dwaparayuga and about 3137 bc around 5000 years ago but according to scientists walker submerged only 1700 bc 3700 years ago think for a minute viewers these dates contradicts with each other the above date of mahabharata is also support in sri mad bhagavatam so according to hindus we have to take these date mentioned in the website and in hindu scriptures as history we cannot say it's myth right so according to mahabharata and bhagavatam and hindus krishna lived in the end of dwapariuga which is about 5000 years ago so i would suggest that you should explain these dates as historically in the comment section i am not saying the dates are wrong or it cannot happened i am just asking a historical evidence which can validate your claims because we have seen that scientist already proved dwarka submerged on 1500 to 1700 bc but your scripture says that krishna lived about 3000 bc how is that possible one of them is clearly wrong if you say scientists are wrong then you are accusing the authority of indian scientists and you have to show them evidences which supports your scriptures and your and claim and if you are saying that your scriptures are wrong then god save you all either way evidence didn't match with hindu scriptures at all.

The last evidence for this video about the existence of krishna is sanskrit the first language of hindus and their gods the base of hinduism is sanskrit language and i believe that krishna also spoke sanskrit not in hindi english or chinese right but again scientists have proved that there is no epigraphical evidence of sanskrit in the entire globe before 125 a.d wow guys don't you sense any evil intentions of hindus in their claims they say sanskrit is the mother of all language but we don't have any evidence not only in india but also around the world for sanskrit language but we have many evidence of other language which proves to be older than sanskrit see friends hindus always criticize and humiliate other civilization by saying we are first our language is first and you people just copied from us and time to time they humiliate others but on reality there is no evidence which proves any of their claims are true so to escape from this lie they invent a new lie they say we don't have any epigraphical evidence because our religion our books our culture was passed down from generation to generation through orally so when our culture and religion pass through orally then how will you find any epigraphical evidence of sanskrit anywhere in the world this proves you christians and scientists and all people who speak with evidences you a liar and just trying to destroy hinduism. very nice try, but in mahabharat section 1 says that a hindu god wrote mahabharata with his own hand and we know that veda vyasa compiled vades and wrote bhagavad gita many Upanishads and many other books with his own hand, and it is common sense that he must have used sanskrit language to write am i correct and every hindu knows this this is a general known fact then why are you lying that hindu culture and religion was passed down through orally why you hindus lie like others surely you are hiding things because only a culprit will lie because he don't have any truth to speak so according to epigraphical evidence it is proved that krishna didn't exists in conclusion if i believe in swami vivekananda then krishna lived as a king but he was not a god if i believe in indian scientists then dwarka is just 3700 years old and krishna didn't exist because it doesn't match with hindus and their scriptures epigraphical evidence proved that sanskrit was young language and no evidence of krishna's existence who lived five thousand years ago if you ask my view i believe that krishna might have exist only if i believe in hindu scriptures. but i strongly believe that krishna didn't exist when i see the evidence.

That's it for today guys stay tuned to see our upcoming articles. 

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