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Lies of Sanskrit Language- The language of so-called gods not older than 2000 Years

 Lies of Sanskrit Language- The language of so-called gods not older than 2000 Years

Hello and welcome back readers. today I will discuss about the language Sanskrit, which is set to believe by many people that it is the first and the oldest language of humankind. Sanskrit is the origin of every language we speak today and Hinduism is based on this language. and if it is true, then it also make the scripture of Hinduism to be the oldest. so in this article let's ask some questions to those people who believe that Sanskrit is the oldest language and will see some proof whether their claims are true or not. and let me tell you the claim and proof I show you in my video in YouTube channel all those links I put it in the description box below, you can verify those with this video.

First many people in India believe that their Hindus scripture like Vedas, Puranas and epics like Mahabharata or Ramayana were happened about millions of years ago and was written about four to five thousand BC.

So the question we have to ask them is what is your proof their proof is the dates were written in Vedas that all these incident happened millions of years ago? but when we try to check out with historical manuscript or archaeological proof to substantiate that claim I am shocked we have nothing to prove those claims how. let's see Sanskrit is the language which was spoke by these people right but when we search any epigraphical evidence of Sanskrit it says there were no evidence of Sanskrit before 125 A.D, 125 years after Jesus. no one spoke that language in India here is a question raised in your mind. what is my proof to say this you can see for yourself in their own government website ASI Indian scientists didn't find any epigraphical evidence of Sanskrit which can date any older than 125 A.D which might proves that Sanskrit is not the oldest language as people think it is second people also claimed that epic like Mahabharata or Ramayana happened millions of years ago, which means it was also written in millions of years ago right. 

But when we look at the proof it says that no Hindu manuscript were written before 1464 A.D.

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This is shocking yes but it's true here is the date of paper manuscript dates 13 20-1376 A.D palm leaf manuscript dates 906-962 A.D again what is my proof you can see this in the pan darker Oriental Research Institute website whose link I placed in the description box below which might proves that Hinduism is not more than 2000 years old now people also counter this and can say that you may be right that our Vedas were written recently because all those events actually happened millions of years ago and it was passed down orally Through Time if that is true then why Mahabharata or a minor says that when these events were happening Veda Vyasa, Ganesh and Rishi Valmiki write that as an eyewitness are you saying from the last 5000 years when humankind able to write they didn't write any of your scriptures until 900 A.D. so let me summarize my questions in brief you want me to believe that your religion was the since millions of years ago but the language was not found before 125 A.D and its manuscripts was not written before 900 A.D and still you want to believe me in your fairy tales that's it friends if you have question regarding this topic feel free to use comment section

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